Don’t Keep New You in the Same Old Life
Day 293! One week to 300.
What has occurred to me lately (like in the last two days) is that this more extreme event (the triathlon relay) really shook me out of the “meh” feeling that was creeping in around 9 months. And I think part of that was that I was doing a lot of the same things, just without alcohol. Meeting friends, traveling, going out to dinner, etc., and it was all fine and good. But for me, I suspect that doing the same things but without alcohol will, sooner or later, lead me to miss alcohol. The “new you, but same old life” problem. So it was time for me to take on something brand new, something I didn’t associate with alcohol and something that I knew I wouldn’t take on if I were still drinking.
I signed up for a little Halloween 5K on Governor’s Island, which I can do with husband and 11 yo, or he can run with her and I can try to go a bit faster, and then another half marathon in April, which gives me plenty of time to train properly. Goal is just to run the whole thing. Even if I plod along at 11-12 min miles for that distance, I just want to run continuously.